If you find
Some farmers fight nature
Some farmers are so disorganized that they are working at cross purposes to themselves
Sometimes there is a farm that would be better off if the farmer left it alone
Become the most Beneficial organism that your farm could have.
As a farm manager, you can have a massive impact on how well all the other organisms on the farm work.
You can be like an orchestra conductor, getting the best out of each performer by drawing out the most beautiful performances.
Or you can micro-manage everything, interfering in every process, trying to control every aspect of the farm.
Or you can let the farm run down until it slowly returns to a new succession towards something other than farming.
Most of us fall between being conductor and over-managing some aspects and under-supporting other aspects.
The trick is to come to understand the processes on the farm and then to support them such as by ensuring that every process is an adequately Fed process. This will allow those biological and other processes to achieve their potential.
At the same time, it is important to remove those things that you might have previously done that interfered with the farm expressing its full potential.
When I used to take organic farming students on farm visits, one farm we visited had the students in awe.
It was the perfect expression of this pattern, the farmers stood back and let things happen.
Because of the enterprise choice and the way they had put them together, the farmers did not have a high demand on their time. But the real reason they were not run off their feet and had time to develop their skills further was because they had fine tuned the farm so it hummed along.
We would then visit a farm nearby that had similar enterprises, scale and family members, but they worked harder to achieve less.
The first farm was an example of Nature does the work and Farm works for farmer rather than the other way around.
The second farm was an example of farmers who were well intentioned yet had little idea of what they were doing and how to do it effectively. They were struggling to make the transition to a better way of farming. They survived, but only because of a massive input of family labor.